CG Guide (1 Timothy 3:8-13)

Community Discussion

*Note to CGs. These are suggested questions to discuss. You can add, subtract, and modify the questions in anyway you want to fit your group.

**Please remember to leave adequate time for prayer.

  1. What, if anything, was particularly clarifying, convicting, or confusing about the passage and/or the sermon? Share insights, reflections, and questions.
  2. Diaconal ministry deals with physical matters. How, then, is diaconal ministry considered a spiritual work? Why do you think the qualifications for this physical work are spiritual?
  3. The qualifications for deacon are remarkable because they are so unremarkable – just marks of a mature Christian and fruits of the Spirit. So it’s appropriate for us to apply them to ourselves. Do you find any of the qualities listed in 1 Tim 3:8-12 to be particularly challenging to live up to? What hope does Christ give to those who fall short in these ways?
  4. What have been for you the highs and lows of serving in the church?
  5. Doxology: Express how this sermon helps you understand, appreciate, and worship Jesus more. In what ways has the gospel become more alive to you having read this passage and heard this sermon?
  6. Response: Formulate a one-sentence prayer that’s informed by the passage and the sermon. This prayer should articulate what you desire to walk away with and how you want God to apply it in your life. Have a few people share.

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