CG Guide (1 Timothy 6:11–16)

1. Are there areas of your life where you’ve been spiritually lazy? What temptations might he be calling you to flee from, or what areas/opportunities for growth might he be calling you to chase down?

2. Are there any areas of your life where you have not considered how the gospel applies? What instruction, comfort, or truth about God does the gospel bring to that situation?

3. How does it change how we live, suffer, and strive for holiness when we know that God is transcendent, above all in unapproachable light and that he is in control?

4. Doxology: Express how this sermon helps you understand, appreciate, and worship Jesus more. In what ways has the gospel become more alive to you having read this passage and heard this sermon?

5. Response: Formulate a one-sentence prayer that’s informed by the passage and the sermon. This prayer should articulate what you desire to walk away with and how you want God to apply it in your life. Have a few people share.

CG Guide (1 Timothy 6:1-2a)

Sermon Discussion Questions for 1 Timothy 6:1-2a

1. What, if anything, was particularly clarifying, convicting, or confusing about the passage and/or the sermon? Share insights, reflections, and questions.

2. Which group (working under an unbelieving boss or working under a believing boss) do you feel more represents your working environment today? What are some challenges that you face today as a Christian in your secular workplace / Christian workplace?

3. Christians are ambassadors of Christ in a watching world. Our actions share a testimony about God’s reputation and gospel. What are some practical ways that we can be faithful to God in our workplaces?

4. Doxology: Express how this sermon helps you understand, appreciate, and worship Jesus more. In what ways has the gospel become more alive to you having read this passage and heard this sermon?

5. Response: Formulate a one-sentence prayer that’s informed by the passage and the sermon. This prayer should articulate what you desire to walk away with and how you want God to apply it in your life. Have a few people share.

CG Guide (1 Timothy 5:1-16)

“Care in God’s Family”

Scripture: 1 Timothy 5:1-16

Suggested Group Discussion Questions 

  1. Do you personally experience the church as a family? If so, what are the elements/dynamics that help you feel that way? If not, what do you think is missing in the church that prevents you from experiencing it? 
  2. Can you share a time you felt very cared for by somebody else? What did they do that made it so meaningful? What about a time you felt very uncared for? What made it so hurtful?
  3. In order to cultivate a culture of gospel care in the church, we need to first recognize God has cared for us when we were desperate and in need. Can you think of a specific example or instance of experiencing the care of God in your life? 
  4. What are some ways you can begin to move toward others to care for them in their need? What are some areas that you might need to work on?
  5. Doxology: Express how this sermon helps you understand, appreciate, and worship Jesus more. In what ways has the gospel become more alive to you having read this passage and heard this sermon? 
  6. Response: Formulate a one-sentence prayer that’s informed by the passage and the sermon. This prayer should articulate what you desire to walk away with and how you want God to apply it in your life. Have a few people share.

CG Discussion Guide (1 Timothy 4:6-10)

“A Good Servant of Christ Jesus”

Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:6-10

Suggested Group Discussion Questions 

  1. Before reading our passage, how would you have defined what a “good servant of Christ Jesus” was? How does this passage redefine what a good servant is? 
  2. What are some ways you can devote yourself more to “being trained in the words of the faith and of the good doctrine”?
  3. Does disciplining and training yourself for godliness sound legalistic? How do we free this from legalism and pursue it with a gospel-centered approach?
  4. Doxology: Express how this sermon helps you understand, appreciate, and worship Jesus more. In what ways has the gospel become more alive to you having read this passage and heard this sermon? 
  5. Response: Formulate a one-sentence prayer that’s informed by the passage and the sermon. This prayer should articulate what you desire to walk away with and how you want God to apply it in your life. Have a few people share.

CG Discussion (1 Timothy 2:11-15)

“Preaching in God’s Church”

Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:11-15

Suggested Group Discussion Questions 

  1. What, if anything, was particularly clarifying, convicting, or confusing about the passage and/or the sermon? Share insights, reflections, and questions. 
  2. What does it look for us to learn with all submissiveness? How can we practically sit at the feet of Jesus and grow in his Word? 
  3. How can we practice letting the Word of Christ dwell richly in us and teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom? 
  4. Doxology: Express how this sermon helps you understand, appreciate, and worship Jesus more. In what ways has the gospel become more alive to you having read this passage and heard this sermon? 
  5. Response: Formulate a one-sentence prayer that’s informed by the passage and the sermon. This prayer should articulate what you desire to walk away with and how you want God to apply it in your life. Have a few people share.

CG Guide (Mark 6:30-44)

“Come and Receive His Compassion”

Scripture: Mark 6:30-44

Suggested Group Discussion Questions 

Gospel truth: Jesus invites you to come and receive his merciful compassion

  1. The heart of Christ is compassion not condemnation. What do you think of that? Does this statement challenge anything about how you view Jesus or the gospel? 
  2. What practical difference would it make right now in your life if you completely believed Jesus’ compassion for yourself? Try to be specific. 
  3. What difference does this gospel truth make in the way you share the gospel with an unbeliever? 
  4. Doxology: Express how this sermon helps you understand, appreciate, and worship Jesus more. In what ways has the gospel become more alive to you having read this passage and heard this sermon? 
  5. Response: Formulate a one-sentence prayer that’s informed by the passage and the sermon. This prayer should articulate what you desire to walk away with and how you want God to apply it in your life. Have a few people share.

CG Guide (Mark 6:30-32)

“Come and Rest A While”

Scripture: Mark 6:30-32

Suggested Group Discussion Questions 

  1. In your Christian life, what do you feel you most need rest from? Are you feeling tired, overwhelmed, busy, ashamed, ______ (fill in the blank)? Share and elaborate. 
  2. How does it change your view of God that he knows you need rest, he embedded it into the pattern of creation, and he invites you into his rest? What perception of God is challenged by this? 
  3. What are some ways that you can find rest in Jesus? What have you found to be spiritually restful for you? 
  4. Doxology: Express how this sermon helps you understand, appreciate, and worship Jesus more. In what ways has the gospel become more alive to you having read this passage and heard this sermon? 
  5. Response: Formulate a one-sentence prayer that’s informed by the passage and the sermon. This prayer should articulate what you desire to walk away with and how you want God to apply it in your life. Have a few people share.

CG Guide (1 Timothy 3:8-13)

Community Discussion

*Note to CGs. These are suggested questions to discuss. You can add, subtract, and modify the questions in anyway you want to fit your group.

**Please remember to leave adequate time for prayer.

  1. What, if anything, was particularly clarifying, convicting, or confusing about the passage and/or the sermon? Share insights, reflections, and questions.
  2. Diaconal ministry deals with physical matters. How, then, is diaconal ministry considered a spiritual work? Why do you think the qualifications for this physical work are spiritual?
  3. The qualifications for deacon are remarkable because they are so unremarkable – just marks of a mature Christian and fruits of the Spirit. So it’s appropriate for us to apply them to ourselves. Do you find any of the qualities listed in 1 Tim 3:8-12 to be particularly challenging to live up to? What hope does Christ give to those who fall short in these ways?
  4. What have been for you the highs and lows of serving in the church?
  5. Doxology: Express how this sermon helps you understand, appreciate, and worship Jesus more. In what ways has the gospel become more alive to you having read this passage and heard this sermon?
  6. Response: Formulate a one-sentence prayer that’s informed by the passage and the sermon. This prayer should articulate what you desire to walk away with and how you want God to apply it in your life. Have a few people share.

CG Guide (1 Timothy 2:1-7)

Community Discussion

*Note to CGs. These are suggested questions to discuss. You can add, subtract, and modify the questions in anyway you want to fit your group.

**Please remember to leave adequate time for prayer.

  1. What, if anything, was particularly clarifying, convicting, or confusing about the passage and/or the sermon? Share insights, reflections, and questions. 
  2. What do you think are some distractions or obstacles to being godly and dignified in our lives today?
  3. Have you been having a hard time loving your enemies? Have you ever tried praying for them? If not, why not? If yes, what are some ways you’ve been praying for your enemies?
  4. Do believe that our CG is like the gospel that is inclusive and exclusive? In what ways can we improve or challenge ourselves? 
  5. God’s heart leads us to pray for all people, but it also leads us to share the gospel with everyone we meet. How can we as a CG grow in our evangelism? What are some specific ways that we can pray and share the gospel for all kinds of people?
  6. Doxology: Express how this sermon helps you understand, appreciate, and worship Jesus more. In what ways has the gospel become more alive to you having read this passage and heard this sermon? 
  7. Response: Formulate a one-sentence prayer that’s informed by the passage and the sermon. This prayer should articulate what you desire to walk away with and how you want God to apply it in your life. Have a few people share.