CG Discussion Guide (1 Timothy 4:6-10)

“A Good Servant of Christ Jesus”

Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:6-10

Suggested Group Discussion Questions 

  1. Before reading our passage, how would you have defined what a “good servant of Christ Jesus” was? How does this passage redefine what a good servant is? 
  2. What are some ways you can devote yourself more to “being trained in the words of the faith and of the good doctrine”?
  3. Does disciplining and training yourself for godliness sound legalistic? How do we free this from legalism and pursue it with a gospel-centered approach?
  4. Doxology: Express how this sermon helps you understand, appreciate, and worship Jesus more. In what ways has the gospel become more alive to you having read this passage and heard this sermon? 
  5. Response: Formulate a one-sentence prayer that’s informed by the passage and the sermon. This prayer should articulate what you desire to walk away with and how you want God to apply it in your life. Have a few people share.

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